Facet-Aware Evaluation for Extractive Text Summarization


Commonly adopted metrics for extractive text summarization like ROUGE focus on the lexical similarity and are facet-agnostic. In this paper, we present a facet-aware evaluation procedure for better assessment of the information coverage in extracted summaries while still supporting automatic evaluation once annotated. Specifically, we treat facet instead of token as the basic unit for evaluation, manually annotate the support sentences for each facet, and directly evaluate extractive methods by comparing the indices of extracted sentences with support sentences. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed setup by performing a thorough quantitative investigation on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, which in the meantime reveals useful insights of state-of-the-art summarization methods. Data can be found at https://github.com/morningmoni/FAR.

the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2020)
Liyuan Liu
Senior Researcher @ MSR

Understand the underlying mechanism of pretraining heuristics.