Learning a Decision Tree Algorithm with Transformers


Decision trees are renowned for their interpretability capability to achieve high predictive performance, especially on tabular data. Traditionally, they are constructed through recursive algorithms, where they partition the data at every node in a tree. However, identifying the best partition is challenging, as decision trees optimized for local segments may not bring global generalization. To address this, we introduce MetaTree, which trains a transformer-based model on filtered outputs from classical algorithms to produce strong decision trees for classification. Specifically, we fit both greedy decision trees and optimized decision trees on a large number of datasets. We then train MetaTree to produce the trees that achieve strong generalization performance. This training enables MetaTree to not only emulate these algorithms, but also to intelligently adapt its strategy according to the context, thereby achieving superior generalization performance.

arXiv:2402.03774 [cs]
Liyuan Liu
Senior Researcher @ MSR

Understand the underlying mechanism of pretraining heuristics.